Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pre Race Goodness

What is it about Pre Race meals and pre race traditions?!  I just woke up from my pre race nap, a nice little 45-60 minute'r and find myself thinking about where I will eat my pre race meal...not what I will eat...that was determined years ago!

My pre race meal usually consists of a heavy dose of protein, specifically steak, and then a smaller amount of carbohydrates in the form of potatoes and veggies.  I try to stay away from too much oily or "greasy" food, but products that are fresh and lean.  This meal usually will give me enough energy so i don't need an abundant amount of food in the morning.  (although, since I'm racing a 10k tomorrow and don't race starts at 11:30...I'll get in my eggs and toast in the morning...usually I don't need as much fuel for my mile!)

So tonight, if you are out and about in Seattle eating steak, you may just find me at your restaurant, but make sure it's before 10, cuz after 10 I'll be applying my castor oil, doing light self massage work on the legs and then into a few minutes of elevating my legs against the wall...tomorrow I'll wake up around 7 do a two mile easy easy shakeout run, get nice and limber using my rope to stretch and then eat a couple eggs and toast with butter...that's what gets me to the start line feeling ready to race...ohhh and all the hard work that I have been putting in!

What are your pre race traditions and meals?  would love to hear them!

Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize. Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever. That is why I run straight for the finish line...1Cor9:24-26

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